Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Top Ten Goals of Summer 2010

I live for summertime. There is something nestled in the back of my brain that signals happiness when the weather grows warmer and the sunshine makes its first appearance. I love the sound of crickets chirping at the close of a day, the ability to lounge underneath the warmth of the sun, walking barefoot through the grass, and reading a book that is not assigned to me.

Although my spirits are a bit dampened this summer because I have to take summer classes in order to graduate this December, I am not letting the onslaught of academia weigh me down and have completed a summer list of things I hope to accomplish. It will be somewhat of a challenge since I know that in less than a week I will have my daily planner strapped to me as the only source of guidance through the mass of daily work I will have to finish in order to pass and well, graduate, but I am hoping to find time to still enjoy my favorite season despite stuffy classrooms, textbooks, and learning information I thoroughly deem useless.

*Have a picnic at Oak Mountain- The picnic table atop the most gorgeous view of Alabama is really a joy and complete treat for me. To sit and munch on a carrot stick and overlook the beautiful landscape of God's creation is delightful. The hike to Peavine falls and the trickle (it is summertime so there is not quite a rush) of water overflowing from the rocks is just beautiful. I can't wait!

*Swimming- Going swimming with my little sister is one of the happiest moments of my summer. We have a great time donning our goggles and diving into the clear, blue waters playing games of "telephone", "tea-time", and "shark bait"....we also have our annual holding our breath contest, and diving lessons for the somewhat in-experienced divers...cough cough...me.

*Going on a Train- For whatever reason the concept of traveling somewhere on a train sounds so delightful to me. I think I might be the only one in this category and it doesn't sound quite appealing to travel completely by myself, but I have been researching Amtrak almost daily to see where I might go. I would LOVE to travel up north and experience it via train however the price tags seem to be hindering me just a bit so it might be the type of thing where I take a train to Georgia or something. Savannah would be delightful.

*White Water Rafting- This little surge of energy and complete athletic prowess (which I normally do not possess) has been influenced by my dad. He has been researching ways for the family to go rafting and after several searches on *Google* I have found that this seems really exciting and fun. Although I don't know how my paddling skills would be or what I would do if faced with the fact that I am going to drown or go down a rather large rapid that I would not be in control of, it would be an experience I would stretch myself with and that sounds appealing.

*Travel to the Beach- Although I always imagine going to the beach as many times as possible during the summer months since we are so close and it is well within a days drive, I never find myself going more than once with the family and even that idea might be in jeapordy this year. My heart is at home when it is near the sea and I can't imagine not going this year. The wind clipping my hair as I sit atop a mound of white sand and hear the rush of waves curling at my toes is something wonderful. I ultimately will have a house on the beach in the latter years of my life. Just sayin.

*Go canoeing- Again, I am not superbly athletic but this seems fun and quite the adventure so if I can find a canoe, and a river that doesn't smell like sulphur, I will be 100% ready.

*Have a black and white movie marathon. (I think this is pretty self-explanatory).

*Become physically active in some sort of cardio type of class. I would love to take up some rigorous pilates or possible a stretch class of some sort as well as become involved in Zumba (the latest trend in the fitness world). I will research.

*Take a day trip somewhere- I guess if the whole train thing doesn't work out, I could always take out my ol' faithful vehicle (I'm not sure it is exactly faithful, but I try) and traverse to possible Savannah, or Nashville, or somewhere remote and southern.

*Make all A's. (This will be difficult when I am not entirely motivated to even attend class).

*Interview someone cool. (Maybe on one of my trips!)

I think I might have typed 11 goals so if one doesn't come to happen, I will have a backup.
Now, all I have to do is figure out a way to accomplish all of this after my classes that I will be attending almost daily and the money to accomplish them from trying to ask off of work.

I will start plotting when I am free from the chains of the workforce that bind me. 6:00 please come!
- Okay, attending a fair is not exactly in my "to-do" list but I did find these images of Ferris Wheels to be super cute and summery.

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